Rationale -
Design for print - Brief, why this brief? Could comment on summer project and ideas for this ... how it led to this rationale.
Design for screen - why did you want to solve this problem?
Research -
- Research conducted
- Research methods (appropriate)
- Include primary and secondary research
- Information, media, format, content
- Research into production methods
- Could include foot notes
Initial ideas
- Sketches
- Tests
- Mind Maps
- Make sure these are in response to your brief
- Justify which is the best
- Can use foot notes ... got to blog xyz
- Experimentation
- Iterations of the same ideas - images and captions - evidence your development
- Aim of development - What were you trying to achieve
- You may need multiple design boards for this
- You can use 1st person!
- Limitations of technology
- Appropriate media
Final outcome
- Evaluating development
- Refinement
- Professional designers
- Photographed well and clearly communicates ideas
- Design for screen - Mock-ups. Prototypes.
- Reflecting the module as a whole - what worked what did not
- Opportunity to discuss potential and limitations of production methods. ( Potential limitations of facilities)
- Evaluate against learning outcomes
Using images with captions - evidence your process
- Evaluating points: why? ... The result of this?
- Say it how it is - What happened. Don't brush past mistakes - evaluate what happened and how it is solved.
- Story - linear narrative
- Edit - to clearly communicate process. If there is a paragraph of text make key point clear (bold?) make processes as concise as possible.
- Convincing ... appropriate.
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