- Stick with the colour palette amazon already uses - maybe introduce a new colour to differentiate and think of gender neutral colours to appeal to a wider audience.
- Keep the typeface as Helvetica
- Expand gift wrapping to packaging as well - e.g gift bags - can you buy the gift pre wrapped? - amazon already offer this but could the gift wrap be custom?
- How are things added to the wish list?
- Are there still reviews on products like amazon online?
- Is the profile just for yourself or for others as well?
- Could add amazon suggestions for gifts
- Make sure you follow amazon branding guidelines
- Is the gift finder / event finder for everyone or just amazon prime users only?
- Do amazon incorporate a gird system?
- Usability and UX is strong
- You could change the hue of amazons colour scheme to keep the app related to amazon but make it stand out. ( Think about Facebook and Facebook messenger)
- Keep the typeface simple
- Consider the corners of button and image boxes to be the same. Either rounded or sharp edges.
- How does the app know when it's peoples birthdays?
- Make the event organiser clearer
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